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In the first consultation, the initial assessment (clinical history of the patient) is carried out, which takes into account all factors related to genetic load, stress, habits, patterns and levels of rest, sleep, food, environment, emotional state, among others.

In addition, the “pulse” of diagnosis according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the aspect and texture of the tongue, clinical signs and symptoms are evaluated, whenever justified, and questions are asked about the patient's lifestyle.

The treatment strategy is discussed with the patient (it always takes into account the treatments and medication in progress), as well as the availability to change behaviors that aim to promote individual health and thus enhance recovery.

The duration of treatment and the number of sessions depend on several factors. The variables include the nature of the pathology - whether it is an acute or chronic pathology -, the patient's age, physical condition, current health and the body's ability to respond to treatments.

It is also important to bring complementary exam reports when the patient comes with a pathology already diagnosed. You should also bring comfortable clothing.

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