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In Aesthetic Acupuncture, the techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine are used, such as needles, gua-sha, derma pen and suction cups.

In Aesthetic Acupuncture on the face and neck the needles are very thin and small. Aesthetic acupuncture extends to the entire body.

Benefits of aesthetic acupuncture

  • Activates skin microcirculation

  • Activates the lymphatic system

  • It accelerates the natural process of collagen and elastin production.

This synergistic action helps cell regeneration, improves quality, texture, firmness and muscle tone, has an immediate effect on the general appearance of the skin (healthier and more luminous aspect).

Main applications

  • Wrinkles

  • Expression lines

  • Dull skin

  • Flaccidity

  • Localized fat

  • Weight loss

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is believed that the face, ears, feet and hands are areas that reflect the health status of our internal system. The face is particularly sensitive and reactive. Certain areas of the skin appear when we change the diet, stress levels increase and hours of sleep decrease. In a common example, after a night of greater alcohol intake, the next day we find that we have a dark circles under the eyes, reflecting the overload of organs such as the kidneys and liver.


Electrolipolysis is the combination of acupuncture and the stimulation of points through electric waves (electroacupuncture). It is a very efficient practice to treat localized fat, give firmness to more flabby areas and thus help to shape the silhouette.


It is a natural and almost painless method, effective in reducing centimeters in specific areas to be treated, being an excellent complement for those who are doing or have made a weight loss diet, as it also helps to reaffirm more resistant areas in the fat loss process.


This technique can be combined with other TCM techniques to work in synergy and improve results. Not forgetting the basis of TCM, which is to work and regulate the cause of the problem's appearance, we work to harmonize the body's energy.

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