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Acupuncture is the most well-known therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of inserting very thin needles into specific points - called acupoints -, which are used to regulate the patient's qi.

Acupoints can also be worked or regulated with other techniques, without the need for exclusive use of needles. The techniques used are:


  • Acupressure and Tui-na - appropriate pressure is applied with the finger on the acupoints

  • Moxibustion - heat (moxa) or TDP lamp heat is applied to the acupoints

  • Electrostimulation - electrical stimulation (electrodes) is applied to the acupoints

  • Suction cups - suction cups are applied to acupoints.

The goal is always to promote and harmonize the flow of qi. The referred techniques can be combined with the treatment of needles or used alone.

Acupuncture is the most well-known therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of inserting very thin needles into specific points - called acupoints -, which are used to regulate the patient's qi.

Acupoints can also be worked or regulated with other techniques, without the need for exclusive use of needles. The techniques used are:


  • Acupressure and Tui-na - appropriate pressure is applied with the finger on the acupoints

  • Moxibustion - heat (moxa) or TDP lamp heat is applied to the acupoints

  • Electrostimulation - electrical stimulation (electrodes) is applied to the acupoints

  • Suction cups - suction cups are applied to acupoints.

The goal is always to promote and harmonize the flow of qi. The referred techniques can be combined with the treatment of needles or used alone.


In Electroacupuncture the procedure is the same as that of acupuncture, only specific points for electrostimulation are selected, such as points for treating acute or chronic pain.

Electroacupuncture practiced by an acupuncturist does not only treat pain. Additional energy regulation is made to address the cause of the imbalance.

The intensity of electrical stimuli is always adjusted to the patient and his pain threshold. It does not cause pain, just a slight discomfort, which is readjusted at any time with the patient.

Electroacupuncture is used in cases of qi accumulation. Widely used in chronic or acute pain, muscle spasm pain, contractures, nausea, renal colic, skin problems, sports injuries and others.

It should not be applied to pacemaker patients and pregnant women.

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